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Honey and tahini popcorn bites

We recreated the Secret Squirrel's honey popcorn slices this weekend. They're deeply delicious without being too bad for you, the tahini adds a nuttiness to them which is perfectly balanced with the sweetness of the chocolate and coconut….basically they're super. Simple as that. Whilst you're waiting for them to cool in the fridge too the extra popcorn pieces are perfect dipping implements in the scraped out chocolate and tahini/honey mixing bowls (naughty).

To make a tray of honey and tahini popcorn bites you will need: 
4 cups of popcorn (cover the bottom of a medium saucepan with kernels and that'll give you just over 4 cups…just incase you have any accidents involving popcorn on the floor!)
1/4 cup tahini paste
2 tbsp honey
2 tbsp melted coconut oil (plus a bit more to cook the popcorn)
1/2 tbsp agave syrup (or maple)
2 tbsp cocoa powder

Line a square tin with foil

Melt the coconut oil in a medium saucepan and add to this the popcorn kernels. Cook the popcorn until the popping stops - keep moving the pan about to cover all the kernels in oil and so none burn at the bottom!

Transfer the popcorn to a bowl and pour over the tahini paste and honey and swirl it all together until well combined. Press this into the prepared tin and pop in the fridge.

Make the coconut chocolate drizzle by stirring the cocoa powder into the melted coconut oil and agave syrup - taste and add a little more agave if needed. Take the bites out of the fridge, drizzle over the coconut and chocolate sauce and leave for at least an hour to set. Cut into pieces and enjoy!


  1. I put honey and tahini on my porridge its amazing


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